International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing
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Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision86 days
Acceptance to publication23 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.430
Impact Factor4.3

Hardware Obfuscation Based Watermarking Technique for IPR Ownership Identification

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Open-Source Ethernet MAC IP Cores for FPGAs: Overview and Evaluation

Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can be found in an increasing number of application domains, such as the telecom industry, the automotive electronics sector, or automation technology as well as in the area of reconfigurable computing. In recent years, it can be observed that the open-source idea which is known from the software domain for a long time also became popular in the world of hardware and FPGA design. In the era of the Internet of Things, many of today’s electronic devices implement some kind of network interface with Ethernet being known as one of the most widely used network standards. Thus, there is consequently a high demand on available Ethernet implementations for FPGA platforms. The goal of this work is to survey available open-source Ethernet MAC IP cores, evaluate existing designs in terms of performance, resource utilization, code quality, or maturity, and to present and summarize the evaluation results herein. Furthermore, advantages of commercial solutions and related publication work are discussed. To the authors’ best knowledge, this is the first publication that evaluates and compares existing open-source Ethernet MAC IP cores on a large scale. This work should help designers to select an appropriate open-source Ethernet MAC for an FPGA design and shows possible pitfalls and things to pay attention when using an open-source IP core in general. Finally, the authors would like to show that the open-source community can be also very helpful in the world of hardware in terms of design reuse or time to market.

Research Article

A Methodology for an FPGA Implementation of a Programmable Logic Controller to Control an Atomic Layer Deposition System

In this work, we present an industrial cold walled Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) system, which can be controlled by either a traditional programmable logic controller (PLC) system or a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) prototyping board. This work presents an FPGA controlled system that takes ladder diagram (LD) control for a PLC and converts this control to Verilog HDL and programs an FPGA such that the FPGA prototyping board is used to control a real industrial application. We explore this approach since FPGA implementation of LD control could significantly reduce the cost of implementing these controllers with other potential advantages such as the improved granularity of timing control from milliseconds to nanoseconds, additional available pins for inputs and outputs far exceeding that of microprocessors, and lower power consumption for control. In this work, we provide details and descriptions of our industrial system (ALD), the LD control of this system and its implementation, our software flow to convert LDs to Verilog HDL, and our FPGA prototype board design to replace the existing electronic controller. We show how our LD-Verilog HDL converter in conjunction with FPGAs matches a PLC and demonstrate some of the benefits of using an FPGA.

Research Article

A Decision-Making Method Providing Sustainability to FPGA-Based SoCs by Run-Time Structural Adaptation to Mode of Operation, Power Budget, and Die Temperature Variations

One of the growing areas of application of embedded systems in robotics, aerospace, military, etc. is autonomous mobile systems. Usually, such embedded systems have multitask multimodal workloads. These systems must sustain the required performance of their dynamic workloads in presence of varying power budget due to rechargeable power sources, varying die temperature due to varying workloads and/or external temperature, and varying hardware resources due to occurrence of hardware faults. This paper proposes a run-time decision-making method, called Decision Space Explorer, for FPGA-based Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) to support changing workload requirements while simultaneously mitigating unpredictable variations in power budget, die temperature, and hardware resource constraints. It is based on the concept of Run-Time Structural Adaptation (RTSA); whenever there is a change in a system’s set of constraints, Explorer selects a suitable hardware processing circuit for each active task at an appropriate operating frequency such that all the constraints are satisfied. Explorer has been experimentally deployed on the ARM Cortex-A9 core of Xilinx Zynq XC7Z020 SoC. Its worst-case decision-making time for different scenarios ranges from tens to hundreds of microseconds. Explorer is thus suitable for enabling RTSA in systems where specifications of multiple objectives must be maintained simultaneously, making them self-sustainable.

Research Article

A Service-Oriented Component-Based Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration Modeling Targeting SystemC/TLM

To deal with the complex design issues of Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (DRSoCs), it is extremely relevant to raise the abstraction level in which models are expressed. A high abstraction level allows great flexibility and reusability while bypassing low-level implementation details. In this context, model-driven engineering (MDE) provides support to build and transform precise and structured models for a particular purpose at different levels of abstraction. Indeed, high-level models are successively refined to low-level models until reaching the executable ones. Thus, this paper presents an MDE-based framework for DRSoCs design enabling the transformation of UML/MARTE specifications to SystemC/TLM implementation. To achieve a high degree of expressiveness for modeling dynamic reconfiguration, we use a suitable software engineering approach based on service-oriented component architecture. Since MARTE does not cover the common features of dynamic reconfiguration domain and service orientation concepts, new stereotypes are created by refinement to add missing capabilities to the profile. Likewise, SystemC does not provide native support for dynamic reconfiguration, thus leading us to adopt a design pattern based solution for DRSoCs implementation in compliance with standards. The proposed framework is validated through a reconfigurable active 3-way crossover case study in which we demonstrate the practicability of the approach by gradual model transformations with reduced implementation effort and significant design productivity gain.

Research Article

A Method for Run-Time Prediction of On-Chip Thermal Conditions in Dynamically Reconfigurable SOPCs

Autonomous mobile systems nowadays deploy FPGA-based System on Programmable Chips (SoPCs) for supporting their dynamic multitask multimodal workloads. For such field-deployed systems, activation times, execution periods of tasks, and variations in environmental conditions are usually difficult to predict. These dynamic variations result in a new challenge of dynamic thermal cycling stress on the SoPC die, which can result in transient and even permanent hardware faults in the computing system. This paper proposes the approach of run-time structural adaptation (RTSA) to mitigate dynamic thermal cycling stress on the SoPC dies. RTSA assumes the tasks to have multiple implementation variants, called Application Specific Processing (ASP) circuit variants, which vary in hardware resources, operating frequency, and power consumption. Dynamically reconfiguring appropriate ASP circuit variants of tasks allow systems to maintain their die temperature in the desired range while taking into account variations in power budget and modes of operation. This means the essence of RTSA is a decision-making mechanism which can select at run-time, a suitable system configuration (set of ASP circuit variants of active tasks), whenever needed, to meet the die temperature constraints. To do so, run-time die temperature prediction for potential system configurations using an estimation model is required. This paper presents a generic method to derive an analytical model for any SoPC that can estimate the die temperature in real time and thus support the decision-making mechanism. To develop this method, the thermal behavior of SoPC die under different task scenarios is studied and relation of die temperature to frequency, resource utilization, and power consumption is analyzed. An RTSA-enabled experimental platform is set up on Xilinx Zynq XC7Z020 SoPC for this purpose. Experimental results also demonstrate that the proposed method can be used to derive a model in run-time, thus enabling systems to self-derive and dynamically update the model in run-time.

Research Article

FPGA Implementation of A Algorithm for Real-Time Path Planning

The traditional A algorithm is time-consuming due to a large number of iteration operations to calculate the evaluation function and sort the OPEN list. To achieve real-time path-planning performance, a hardware accelerator’s architecture called A accelerator has been designed and implemented in field programmable gate array (FPGA). The specially designed 8-port cache and OPEN list array are introduced to tackle the calculation bottleneck. The system-on-a-chip (SOC) design is implemented in Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA to evaluate A accelerator. Experiments show that the hardware accelerator achieves 37–75 times performance enhancement relative to software implementation. It is suitable for real-time path-planning applications.

International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision86 days
Acceptance to publication23 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.430
Impact Factor4.3
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